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Everything posted by CajunShroomer3578

  1. That’s wicked cool trout You’re an artist too?
  2. You may want to start your own post in identification thread. When discussing multiple post in one thread it becomes tricky. I believe what you have is something other than Armillaria aka honey mushroom. Mushrooms in original post seem to fit qualities. Spore print????
  3. Looks like the Gulf States Mycology website is up to date and active. One day I’ll join. Too much going on now. Just thought I’d share for those interested I seeking likeminded folks http://gsmyco.org/home.html
  4. I don’t believe we have anything specific to south Louisiana. Here are a couple I found that might be helpful https://www.amazon.com/Mushrooms-Gulf-Coast-States-Mississippi/dp/1477318151 https://www.amazon.com/Mushrooms-Southeastern-United-States-Bessette/dp/081563112X
  5. Yup that’ll be it. Thanks guys. I was way off. I just assumed that all Amanita’s had the cup like membranous volva. Wind was blowing 20-30 mph with heavy rains a few hours before finding it. Could be the reason for lack of UV.
  6. So a volva doesn’t necessarily have to be like an egg sack to be a volva ?
  7. Found in mixed hardwoods,mostly pine and oak, growing in sand, NOTa volva at base, bulb shape at bottom of stipe, smelled fruity, taste fruity(small amount then spat out) almost like a chanty apricot fruity.
  8. The club shape of these mushrooms are normal for Honey mushrooms ? I’ve never came across that trait yet
  9. NOT chanterelles. No proposal though. I’ll leave that to the seasoned veterans
  10. If that is yellow staining I’m seeing on the bottom of the stipe(stem), possibly Agaricus. Also the gills look a bit pinkish. Notice any particular smells ? Possiby A. deardorffensis?? https://www.mykoweb.com/CAF/species/Agaricus_deardorffensis.html
  11. Looks like Armillaria tabescens(ringless honey mushroom) Decurrent gills , white spore deposits seen on caps support this proposal. I’m no expert though. The stems should be fibrous for this species as well
  12. I agree. Just when I thought life couldn’t get any busier with the kids, we’re having number 4 in October!!! I’ve only been out and about a handful of times this year. Mostly local and private lands. We definitely need to keep this thread going. Hopefully next year it’ll happen.
  13. I seen that on picture number 5 but it’s pretty blurry. Didn’t want to assume
  14. Maybe Armillaria tabescens(aka ringless honey mushroom) Spore print is white Obtained a spore print ?
  15. True...... just from the pictures shown that would be my guess. Cross section and more pictures would probably settle it. If the vase section may be deeper than the pictures perceive. Good eye svs Just goes to show why it is a good idea to not assume someone else’s ID is spot on
  16. Looks like laetiporus sulphureus(Chickens) to me
  17. NOT true chanterelles No expert but I’ll take a guess.......Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca
  18. Welcome!! Great folks here!! We have a few active members from the PNW 👌
  19. From what little knowledge I have, yellow staining near the base of the stipe(stalk) would rule out A. campestris. Also, A. campestris usually tapers at the bottom of the stipe. Location is England ? Spore print ?
  20. It would help to get more information before someone proposing a ID. Habitat, close up pictures, any noticeable smell, etc. There’s a great pinned thread at the the top of the IDing section you may benefit from reading
  21. A bit past prime to get a confident proposal. I’m no expert but I’d bet it’s safe to say these ARE NOT white chanterelles. Looks a bit like some russalas
  22. Welcome aboard!! You’re in the right place!! Everything fungal here !!
  23. Maybe Leucocoprinus birnbaumii(Aka flower pot mushroom/parasol ) I’m no expert though
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