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  • Location
    Lehigh Valley, PA
  • Interests
    Mushroom hunting, metal detecting.

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  1. Nice Dave. I hope we still have a few days to collect. Need this rain to stop, too much is not a good thing and we are getting way to much here.
  2. Enjoy!! We had steak last night with saute morels.. I have one more meal but not sure how I want to make them yet. I really do just like them sauteed in butter so I get the full flavor. When I get more maybe I'll experiment.
  3. Would you believe I found the yellows under a huge oak that was forked and alive on one side, dead on the other. Weird. The halves I found near an unidentifiable dead tree, no bark, surrounded by pines. Also mixed in I found some baby grays. I will check on them in a few days. There is always hope to find more in the next coming days, I am also keeping my eye out for COW. Would love to find both morels and COW in the same day. What a day that would be..LOL
  4. I have finally found my first of the season. Not bad but I want more, lots more!! Found 2 ticks too, but they don't count.
  5. Spent 4 more hours today looking and those little suckers are still no where to be found.. Checked my past places and alot of new ones and nothing. Upside I did find some oysters and fresh saddles.. lots of walking is good for me I know, but those tasty babies are even better for me!! LOL The search will continue, not a quitter.
  6. I did some checking on line and found some kits, but yes that is a good idea. I will take samples of the soil and process the mushrooms and test before eating. Going to give it a shot later this afternoon. Checked other sites and people are finding in other counties around me, suppose to rain today maybe that will help them pop. Thank you so much for the advice.
  7. Thank you for the heads up Dave. Didn't realize the risk involved. Where can I pick up the test kit? Just the thrill of finding them would be nice. I want to eat them yes, but just finding them would be wonderful. Have yet to find a spot that produces more than a handful. Thanks again!!
  8. That makes two of us Dave. I have been out a few times and did not find one morel. The only thing I accomplished was wearing out our Lab puppy, yeah and myself. It did feel good to get back out there. Think I'll check out a few apple orchards tomorrow. Have a list of them near me, figured I'd scope them out and if it looks good I'll call and ask permission to look closer. Good Luck guys, hopefully things will look up soon!! Nice pictures Evan!!
  9. Thanks so much for the ID. I have seen coral and I have seen jelly. Now I know what happens when you put the two together!!
  10. My search today was satisfying in that I found my very first Hen. Left smaller ones behind to grow. My husband came across this white one which at first I thought was a cauliflower mushroom, but my research tells me it is not. Can any one help? Still finding smooth chants, not many but a few. Love this weather!!
  11. Nice find, good for you. So waiting to find my first one!!
  12. Thanks Dave. I figured it to be a bolete but didn't see it in any of my books including my one with mushrooms found in PA, and didn't want to bring home because I forgot an extra bag for such mushrooms to identify. The yellow ones I have identified as Smooth Chants, and have gotten quite a few, sauteed, sealed and frozen. Made omelettes twice with them. First time finding them, and found 3 different places to revisit next year. Have to admit I think the order of favorites is Morels, Chants and then hens. As far as the turtle I was talking to him and told him to smile.
  13. Went out again today and added to my stash of smooth chants, made a friend along the way and found this beautiful mushroom. Looked in my books and still have no idea what it is. I didn't want to bring home not knowing what it was. Blended into the area around it. I am always amazed at how beautiful most of the mushrooms I see are.
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