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Prairie Fairy

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    gardening, wildflowers, bugs, Corgi, Sasquatch

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Agaricus Newbie

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  1. Wow what a feast for the eyes, you have some really interesting finds there. That one giant mushroom that you are holding in one of the pics is insane. Is it is Reishi? Looks like you come across lots of chanterelles and chicken. The coral and toothed looking mushrooms are beautiful as well. You will have to let us know which is your favorite to eat. Looks like you have tried a lot of varieties. I find tons of false morels here. More than I find the real ones unfortunately!! But the photo you have of them on a log all in a row is neat. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Such beautiful mushrooms. My husband is a dog breed fanatic and is such a huge fan of the Lagotto Romagnolo and your Italian tradition of mushroom hunting together--it is very exotic and romantic to people from other parts of the globe like us from Kansas. I think you would have a lot of interest on youtube. My last mushroom hunting experience was much less picturesque that yours. I didn't find anything, came back home and realized I had about 30-40 tiny seed ticks all over my back. Started to worry that maybe my Corgi dog had also gotten into them and spread them through the house, luckily they were just on me. Anyway thank you for sharing your lovely photos and dog with us. Wish I was Italian!!
  3. I think you are right on the money with 4 and 9. I looked back on a photo I took of the same spot of mushrooms from last year and further supports Chlorophyllum molybdites. Thank you for the great suggestions. Not that I eat any of these mushrooms but looks like a lot of poisonous ones cropping up in lawns right now
  4. Thank you for taking the time to look at my site- And for welcoming me. Hopefully this fall will make up for our hot dry summer. I just don't know if coral type mushrooms grow in my particular area but getting a photo of something like that is my next GOAL. Would love a pic of dead mans finger, fly agaric, lion's mane mushroom all on the list. Happy hunting
  5. Mushrooms of the Midwest by Michael Kuo. I have been checking this book out from our library and I have decided its so great, I will have to get a copy of my own. HIGHLY SUGGEST for anyone lives in the Midwest area. Its especially good for someone who is more interested in ID-ing all types of mushrooms rather than just mainly edible ones. The only thing I don't like about it is that it doesn't also include all of the common names but other than that, it has great photos and has really helped me ID for my specific region. Its about $35+ to order on the internet right now. I can only imagine the work, time, research, that went into this book.
  6. Nice bolete finds. Love your mushroom knife. Its great to have a burst of mushroom life after all this drought. Looking forward to the fall season. In southeastern Kansas I have only found one chanterelle in my entire life. Hope you continue to have luck, I love seeing the photos.
  7. Love those black colored ones, I wonder if they are Dead Mans Fingers Xylaria Polymorpha. The coral looking ones are beautiful, I have never found any corals unfortunately. You have a really nice assortment. Love the orange ones growing out of the log as well.
  8. I love looking at everyone's mushroom finds, here are some of mine from this past weekend. I am very amateur identifier, but trying to get better. Photos 1-3 and MAYBE photo 4, Amanita Thiersii Sprouting all over the place in lawns after a heavy rain (following period of drought), especially in fairy circles. If you touch them they leave your hands covered with the sticky shaggy stuff covering them. Tried and tried to find a perfect fairy circle, but only partials. 1. 2. 3. 4. Looks different? Maybe something else? Found in same area 5. Another fairy circle mushroom: I THINK: Agaricus Campestris - Field Mushroom Love the pink gills, used this one to make my first spore print, turned out very defined and dark brown 6. Possibly Fomitopsis Pinicola - Red Belted Conk, growing on a Mimosa tree stump 7. Similar but different, growing on a old oak stump maybe: Ganoderma Lucidum 8. Cute, but don't know what they are 9. Same. Also love the pink hue on the top of this mushroom
  9. For years, I have been taking photos of mushrooms I find on my hikes. And getting tons of poison ivy and seed ticks because of it. I love seeing photos of what other hunters are coming across on this website so hopefully I can show you guys whats popping up in the Kansas area (lots right now). I eat mushrooms but no one else in my family really likes them (or maybe they don't trust me not to poison them) so I don't hunt for foraging purposes. I just love taking pictures of them, trying to ID and learn more about them. I see there are some very knowledgeable folks on here and I am hoping to learn some things and up my mushroom ID-ing game. My 7 year old son has taken an interest with me and we have been learning a lot together. I have a website, its nothing special, mostly just for my own enjoyment purposes here is a link to the mushroom specific page. https://ksmushrooms.blogspot.com/ I also have a page just for wildflowers, butterflies. If you see any photos on my site that are interesting, I would love to know which ones. After this post I am heading over to the forum to post my recent finds on my hike this weekend. I thought I would include my favorite mushroom find to date: (Correct me if I'm wrong) A giant bunch of Oak Bracket - Inonotus Dryadeus - I didn't know anything like this existed until I saw it with my own eyes. And it was hard to get a photo due to steep and wooly location!
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