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  • Location
    Kodiak, Alaska
  • Interests
    Hunting with a longbow, rifle benchrest, mushroom hunting, my grandkids!

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Agaricus Newbie

Agaricus Newbie (1/5)

  1. Maybe but I don't know of any Tricholoma that have decurrent gills. I'm stumped.
  2. The decurrent gills lead me to believe it's an Oyster or some kind of Pleurous. Found growing out of an old grown-over gravel logging road in Alaska (Kodiak). Smells earthy. No vulva. Fiberous veil with veil remnant on stipe. Taste and spit test similar to Agaricus campestris. No lactation at all.
  3. And your friend thought some hippies were sneaking on your property at night.
  4. It's definitely a Hydnum, but blue? Is it a blue foot? Photo credit is Jill Noreen Vance.
  5. I had a great time gathering mushies and berries with the neighbors and their kids today. At the end of the day our fingers were stained blue and red from picking so many salmon and blue berries. We found a few different varieties of mushrooms but nothing to get excited about. We found this tiny mushroom that the girls called "aaawe cute". What is it? Anyone?
  6. Reishi mushrooms? I guessing and asking. If they are Reishi, good find.
  7. Ahhhh Chantys! I found a patch two years ago here in Alaska. I was quite excited. I've hunted hard are haven't found any since. I'm quite jealous of you. They are one of my favorites. I do however live in a Hedgehog heaven so I get to bottle and dry enough shrooms for my consumption for the year. Nice find young man!
  8. I've had a lot of fun growing my own mushrooms. The first one was a box type with Agaricus bisporus from Parkseed.com. It was pretty neat to watch them grow and I had about five flushes. Next I ordered a few King Oyster and Blue Oyster "logs" from Amazon. They were basically pre-inoculated sawdust-type growing medium compressed into a log shape. They worked great. I've been looking at a few kits online that include growing medium, incubators, growing lights, etc. like the ones sold by Midwest Grow kits. http://www.midwestgrowkits.com/Mega-Mushroom-Growing-and-Incubator-Kit I also found some pre-loaded syringes with different types of spores like these..... https://www.etsy.com/listing/592050427/liquid-culture-syringes-mushroom?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_e-home_and_living-outdoor_and_garden-other&utm_custom1=0ebdd80c-32cb-4dce-9d8a-4544ccc447d5&gclid=CjwKCAjw3cPYBRB7EiwAsrc-ud9UYBcLLCy_LvnavbWz7JkoR_vxJLqqaMDjLwz6H1kC-QVeWSPL3RoCrXgQAvD_BwE (It was hard sorting through all the Psilocybin web sites to find a site with the legal spores I wanted. 🙄 I had no idea those were that popular.) I was wondering if any of you have tried the growing kits from Midwest Grow Kits and how it turned out? Or are there other kits you would recommend?
  9. Thanks for your time Dave. I'll check out the A. Praecox group. This is fun picking one mushroom and investigating/learning it really well and moving on to the next.
  10. Help. Light brownish/orangish convex cap. The largest cap was 3 inches wide. Gills are light brown while fresh, close and attached. Some had a partial veil attached to the stem and some just had a remnant ring. They were growing in the dirt or grass along a gravel road. The stem doesn't snap like Russulas typically do but broke cleanly. Much to my surprise, the largest one I cut open was hollow inside. Growing mostly singularly but I found two clumps of three together. I thought I had them identified on Michael Kuo's site as Agrocybe Molesta but after checking David Arora"s Mushrooms Demystified I'm not so sure. He doesn't list an A. Molesta. I don't really care if it's edible, magic or poisonous. I just REALLY wanted to ID this on my own but now I need a little help.
  11. Thanks Dave! This one's been a mystery for a few years now.
  12. Man I'm glad I found this page! This mushroom's been a mystery to me for a few years now. It grows from the moss under stands of old-growth Sitka spruce here in Alaska. They have a white cotton-type spiderweb covering the gills (cortina?). Free gills. Stem snaps like chalk. No volva. No short gills that I can see. No veil remnants on stem or cap margin. I haven't gotten a spore print yet.
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