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  1. Hey Steve! Finding any miatakes up your way yet? They're flushing hard in yancey county! 


  2. Hi, have you seen this? http://www.mushroomexpert.com/boletes.html
  3. Hi Dave, thanks very much for the reply and great info. I'm just realizing how huge and difficult the Bolete family is. Today, along a stretch of trail I ride regularly, I found so many different Boletes I'm overwhelmed. Different types were growing side by side, they were all over the trail, up one side and down the other. The more I looked the more I found, poking through the leaves, from under rocks, from under trees. I'll post some pics tomorrow. As far as my G. castaneus hopes, I picked 4 more of those and note the stalks are as you suggest for Gyroporus. I agree they're not G. castaneus though. More pics of those tomorrow too.
  4. Last time I checked my area was @ 10% dryer than normal and that's basically due to a dry summer so far. It was already hot and dry when my Morel patch should have bloomed and there was only 1 instead of dozens. In order typically I should have picked Milkys, Oysters and Chantys, but there were very few to be found. Oysters did bloom enough to be briefly abundant, but nothing like the last few years. My major Chanty patch didn't bloom at all this year I did find a new patch, but it was pretty sparse. After recent rains there were some little orange faces poking through the leaves, so I should get another haul from there this weekend.
  5. Great find! That mycelium has got a plan. Would be interesting to know whether they're symbiotic.
  6. Mmmm, I've been wanting to eat these for a couple of years. Lincoff says "...unfortunately a favored host of a deforming fungal parasite...." So have to get very lucky and pick them young I guess.
  7. Hello all, thanks for any help. So many different Boletes are blooming after our recent rains I can't keep up. Work keeps getting in the way too. All of these are from mixed pines/hardwoods, along old logging roads in western NC. This had a pleasant, mild aroma, pale yellow spore print. I'm concerned with the big, brown one, over 6" diameter, similar mild aroma, grey-white flesh, pinkish spores no spore print. I thought Black Velvet Bolete (Tylopilus alboater) and ate some of it. It tasted good, but gave me terrible indigestion and kept me up all night. That's the first time I've gotten an upset stomach from wild edible mushrooms. The big one is @ 3", very mild aroma, white flesh, pale yellow spore print, flash added shadows to the pores, the color should be tawny yellow. The small one is @ 1 1/2", same as above, but pores whitish/yellow. I'm hoping Chestnut Bolete, because there's quite a few coming up. Thanks again and good hunting
  8. Hi John, thanks for the reply. Well, my enthusiasm is waning lately because it hasn't rained much here in weeks! We have just sporadic, scattered showers, not soaking rains we normally do. Chantys are on hold until it rains again and have only seen a few pitiful specimens of some others. I did receive a copy of Mycophilia, so that's occupying me a little and will go up to high elevation, deep woods this weekend to see if there has been any rain there.
  9. Hello all, happy to find my way here. I live in Western NC, near the Tenn. border, on an old, rundown farm surrounded by Pisgah Nat Forest. This is my 3rd year hunting edible and medicinal mushrooms. I hike and run in the forest and one day found an entire fallen Beach tree covered in Oysters, that's how I got started. I ate so many of those I smelled "funny" according to my GF. That first year I also found Chicken (Sulphur Shelf) and Fried-chicken mushrooms, but they were old and buggy. And, I ate my first Chanterelle that summer. Also, I burned off around some old Apple trees on my property and last year Morels came up! This year was hot and dry and only 1 Morel bloomed I'm going to irrigate next year if necessary. I race off-road motorcycles and often follow the logging roads and fire roads deep into the forest. Last year I started foraging while taking a break, along with my usual efforts at collecting the trash that the Bear hunters leave each year I was rewarded with my first Latex Milky and abundant Chanterelles. This year I ate my first Boletes, Painted and White Suillus. I rate both as choice btw. Now I'm finishing what may be the last of the Latex Milky, though I'm still hoping more will bloom when it rains again, Chanterells are up and there's so many Oysters I've started drying them. Summer Boletes are up, but nothing edible yet, only B. sensibilis and today a Violet-gray Bolete. Also this year I hit the Reishi jackpot. I drank fresh tea for over a month and have 7 quarts of dried slices. Sorry for the long post, but I don't have anyone else interested to tell it to. I guess I should join the local club soon. Looking forward to learning more and hopefully contributing a little
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