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Everything posted by jdcooper

  1. Thanks Bob I’ll have to do some research on Morels in Georgia. I did join a local mushroom club but it isn’t active right now.
  2. no problem DS. I do love my “time in the woods"
  3. Well I would be very excited to find black morels in the spring. I have no idea where to look around here. We do have a ton of tulip poplar trees-not sure about ash. Terri
  4. Yeah amazing to be finding mushrooms in January-here or Pennslyvania. This being my first year hunting mushrooms, I had no idea what to expect. Can’t believe how excited I get about one or two little mushrooms. The first three yes-that looks like Flamulina. The mushrooms you are showing for Galerina are super small. I was guessing on the oysters so-glad that appeared to be correct.
  5. Just a couple. Think this first one is Galerina. These may be oysters. It was 60 degrees here today. We started out the week at 5 degrees. Bob, I hope you’re hanging in there and not suffering from cabin fever too much!
  6. yes that sure does look like it. Very cool. You're so smart!
  7. YEP. It was 9 degrees here this morning and all the schools were shut down. That is crazy that a walk to take the trash out takes that much apparel. An hour to warm up from a short walk-wow! Thanks Dave for that link. That certainly does look like the crepidotus I saw. That seriously made my day on that particularly hike to see those mushrooms. Talk about a bright beacon shining yellow in the dull brown and gray landscape.
  8. Bob, you're funny. I am glad you survived. It is 15 degrees here right now in Atlanta, Georgia. Coldest it's been since 1985.
  9. Holy cow! Now that is cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess even taking out the trash has its risks!!!
  10. I do believe Pluteus would be correct on the brown mushroom. Here's some more pics. Of the crepidotus The pluteus. I didn't want to pull it up since it was so cool looking. Definitely growing on the wood-same as the crep. Oh forgot to say if you want a nature fix (Bob!) or anyone- check out my blog at terriduda.blogspot.com. Here's a recent post.
  11. Well Dave at least you have pretty snow. I have to sludge through cold muddy slop. We do have some icicles-thats about it. DakotaBob-that sounds pretty darn cold and dangerous. I hope you can stay at home with a nice roaring fire.
  12. Our weather pattern is very strange. This Tuesday it will be a high of 25 degrees and on Friday it will go up to 60 degrees and raining. I feel for you Dakotabob as I am from the North- Michigan. As long as I keep finding I'll keep posting. The bright yellow mushrooms were a delight to the eyes with all the dull brown out there on the trails. I flipped out when I saw this log covered in the velvety bright yellow stuff.
  13. Been MIA for awhile. Still hiking and still finding mushrooms though. Need help ID'ing some of these. Happy New Year Everyone! Carbon Balls? Crepidotus? Unknown Blewit Jelly Fungus
  14. Very cool Dave, it shows how clearly, collecting specimens can mean to the world of mycology!
  15. dakotabob, here's hoping the winter is short for you. Dave, I am working on collecting those amanita citrina's for Rod. He says he has found them in South Carolina near Georgia border as late as Christmas Day. Gives me a little purpose, until the end of the year, to hike for those Citrina's. Evidently they turn a shade of lavender when exposed to near freezing temperatures.
  16. I found another inonotus dryadeus today. Pretty and sparkly. This one kind of wrapped around the bottom of the trunk of the tree. I also found my first hedgehog mushroom Another stinkhorn I had never seen. Still had horrible smelling slimy stuff barely attached. Phallus impudicus without its "clothes" another first find for me, I believe this is Amanita crenulata These little brown mushrooms unknown ID Gills of little brown mushrooms Some blewits and puffballs; Lycoperdon pyriforme finding these everywhere and Amanita citrina still fruiting in lots of places
  17. O.K. so you mean something more like this picture (different specimen). Ring is present not sure if its is double layered. Gills seem pinkish to me-edges seem cottony. Thanks everyone for your kind remarks about my photos and thanks Sunny- I am going to go into withdrawal until Spring. The only thing I am finding now are puffballs-although they're cool too.
  18. Hi Dave, I know, I posted the A. Citrina photos on the pm board just a few minutes ago. Check your email. I only posted that in reference to your comment about not being sure that particular photo was A. Cokeri.
  19. Ok Dave I got the whole cokeri mushroom yesterday before it got too dark. Those wild boar really create a mess; rooting around and disturbing the mushrooms. They're a nuisance. The only encounter I had with the wild boar was when my dog was off leash; he chased one of the little babies. It squeaked just like one of his squeaky toys. I had to chase after the dog chasing after the boar. The mom was no where in sight and the baby escaped safely.
  20. The first picture was taken a few months ago. Didn't even know what the importance of a stalk base was back then. The cokeri (?) is the very last of the decent sized interesting mushrooms of the season (except for a couple polypores) I didn't have the heart to dig it up. Here's what it looked like today. and the stem I'll get the whole stalk base tomorrow. As far as what I thought was Amanita Citrina - I found this today. If this is the same mushroom as what I posted before I could harvest this. Unless the wild boar dig it up before tomorrow.
  21. Thanks DS, before too long I'll have the entire skeleton.
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