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Everything posted by paticheri

  1. Or I can make my own posts on other mushrooms later, no problem! I'm glad the images are out there, and thank you for crediting me Good to be part of these communities!
  2. Sorry I'm late responding here but I'll be happy to both join -- but I know it's going to take me a bit to do so, so in the meantime of course you can use my photos to create an MO post! I've a good many other images of mushrooms from here I'd like to eventually identify, as guides on local foraging are few + unusable/unreliable. It'll be great to have a community's eyes on these, for ideas and insights. I'm Deepa by the way -- Paticheri is my blog, www.paticheri.com Thank you again, Dave!
  3. hugely appreciative of your insights and comments on this! thank you!
  4. I believe I understood that (young mushrooms have gills that are straighter, older ones become serrated) & take the point about there possibly being variants in India that aren't present in N America. & Lentinus or genus Neolentinus -- I'm reading that both are edible, though not always desirably so. I hope that's right If these little finds can be useful to the researchers looking at these beauties, I'm glad!
  5. Aah, my apologies -- I misunderstood your earlier comments then. So we're looking at the edges of the gills themselves for straightness or serration? I'm not really able to tell (or photograph) that much variation, but that might be just ageing eyes. Would there be a possibility of alternate identification if there's no noticeable difference in the edges of gills as the mushroom itself ages?
  6. Thank you so much for this. Gill-edge serration -- I assume you mean the edges of the caps in older mushrooms are serrated, while younger mushrooms have straight edges in L. tigrinis, correct? I've taken a few additional photos, please do see if these clarify? The first is the larger and older mushroom, images 2 and 3 are of the younger. As for growing near river banks -- these weren't at all in a riverine area, but we have had a LOT of rain and localized water-pooling/ flooding in recent weeks & so it's possible that certain micro-ecosystems have emerged with the season maybe? We do get most wild mushroom growth right after the monsoons & I've certainly not seen these mushrooms around here before. Pollen print wound up white-tending-to-yellowish, by the way.
  7. I found these mushrooms growing on the cut side and bark of a log (I'm afraid I don't know of what tree though I can do some guessing) by a roadside in Auroville, India. I'm a complete novice at identifying mushrooms, but they looked at first like they might be oysterish--though the gills don't look right, and don't go down the stems. Via various searches, I came upon an old thread suggesting they might be trainwreckers / scaly lentin & the description on this page is certainly en pointe even if the specimens shown there are a little more convex than mine which appear to cave in the center & margins are quite frilly. Could anyone help confirm or point me in the right directions? Apologies for the photographic overkill; I'm not sure still what details might help. I did notice pavement ants making off with chunks while trying to get good images though!
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