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Agaricus Newbie

Agaricus Newbie (1/5)

  1. So, we took out an acre of trees last year to build a house. It was tons of wood, and we decided to stack it on the backside of our 11ac…out of sight. However, while the trees were downed, I went out several times and poured oyster mushroom and shiitake spore on a few logs before they made it to the pile. Fast forward to today. I was clearing a new trail close to the pile and noticed these growing all over. Just want a second opinion to make sure I’m not mistaken, but I believe these are oysters! If so…II may be in line for thousands of edibles!!
  2. Question to the experts: I am having about an acre of trees cleared on my property and having the wood dumped in a natural depression on my 11ac. Most of the trees are Sweetgum which I have has success growing shiitake on. Needless to say, there is A LOT of wood. My plan…which may be futile…is to obtain spores from a trusted site, mix up 20-30 gallons of “spore juice” and use a clean sprayer to hit as many sites as I can in the hopes that this mushroom will be the predominant fungi. Questions. 1. Has anyone ever sprayed fresh wood with mushroom spores in the hopes that it would take? 2. If so, any recommendations on the method. I figure, worst case scenario I’m out about $100 for an experiment. any thoughts?
  3. Found this in a wooded area today 12/7/21, growing on a pine tree I took down last year in Gastonia, NC. Any thoughts?
  4. Just stumbled across this today. It was about 1.5 feet across under an old oak in NC. Any ideas.
  5. New to the hobby and appreciate any help. Found in NC off a trail in a heavily wooded area. Under a pine. Thanks
  6. Found in NC around birch, beech and pine trees. Area has ferns. Growing from the ground not on the wood stump pictured. Thanks.
  7. I have always had luck with mushrooms on Oak…but I just picked up 11ac with no big Oaks on it and plenty of Sweetgum trees. Always hated Sweetgum because of the spiny seeds they drop every year so I figured there trees were just a waste of space….however. Just took a large Sweetgum down and decided to try to plug it with warm weather Shiitake, cold weather Shiitake, Reishi & oyster plugs. Here are the results after just a few weeks out (pics below). Now whether they actually produce…that is to be seen, but I am encouraged so far! thoughts?
  8. Hello from Gastonia NC. Just picked up 11ac and am trying to identify everything out here. I’ve found some interesting mushrooms over the last year and have decided to try to get some help with identification. I have an app…but I’m really not an expert at using it yet. any help with this bunch I ran across today?? It’s in clusters along a tree that fell 6 months ago.
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