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Everything posted by Thuja

  1. Thank you Dave for explaining the nuances of these mushrooms. Next year I'll look for young Hypholoma and confirm spore prints, staying away from anything rust colored. I see the gills on King Stropharia look similar to Hypholoma.
  2. Thanks might be right Michele. Think I'll avoid eating as deadly Galerina marginata also has dark spore print. It's not Sulfur Tuft bc that has green gills.
  3. Thanks, these all seem safe to eat, so I'll be on the lookout next summer/early fall (in Maine). I see that Cuphophyllus genus was Hygrocybe (moss-rooted).
  4. On conifer stump, spore print is purplish black.
  5. Thanks, maybe H. eburneus, chrysodon, or hedrychii.
  6. Found these tender baby polypores on birch; they're wavy and overlapping which I don't find in mature birch polypore...suggestions please?
  7. Thanks Michelle. I see some resemblance although it lacks the concavity of funnel mushrooms I'm seeing online.
  8. Thanks Dave! Their color is nice; too bad unedible. Spore print is peach colored which seems close to pink that I'm reading about for Phyllotopsis nidulans.
  9. That's great thanks, I'll look out next year. They froze/thawed probably 10 times already.
  10. Thanks Dave, are these safe to eat? It doesn't look like H. conicus.
  11. Slimy cap and stem, heavily gilled, growing in pine woods, breaks apart very easily.
  12. Southern Maine woods, this seems to resemble omphalotus illudens Jack O' Lantern, but note there's no stem; they're growing on a rotten log, possibly birch.
  13. Guess I'll follow up my own question, after some research...dried Reishi is in my local Co-op (and I know where to find in woods later); Turkey Tail's in woods, and fresh Lion's Mane is in the Co-op. It's really good sauteed with a pinch of salt 😋
  14. Awesome thanks so much. It was on July 4th. Absolutely beautiful. Now I'll know for next time.
  15. Thanks Dave, I'll dispose of this one. I see what you mean, some pictures of H. nidulans look like Laetiporus. I put some bleach on it but it didn't turn purple, so maybe not H. nidulans. It's in the trash anyhow.
  16. I think this was on a hemlock tree. Thanks.
  17. In a semi-urban setting I'm limited to the occasional batch of Turkey Tail. What other mushrooms/fungi might I consume for liver support? And suggestions please for US-grown product? Thanks.
  18. Wild black cherry, is it worth boiling and trying some?
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