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Agaricus Newbie

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  1. That makes sense, especially after I looked up more info on that species. It does always grow as a single head instead of branching out the spines, has longer than 1cm spines and I find it on living, wounded oaks. I plucked up my courage and cooked a small piece, and it tastes very much like crab meat. My parents will be over the moon to find I have this growing here, they've tried plugging trees with lions mane before with no luck and my dad swears by the dried version for migraines. Can anybody share a way for me to be able to use the specimens I have for them to be able to grow it on their property? Thank you so very much for all the advice and information!
  2. Cut one to get a better picture. These kind of come and go throughout the warmer months, but always are growing in early spring. I might have got the yellow to white backwards, thanks for helping!
  3. I have these growing on trees in the woods around my house here in GA. Right now, the one pictured is about the size of a toddler's head with a yellow tint. I've seen them grow to basketball size and they tend to turn more white as they age. I wanted to try to get more info on these, as I've heard they're both tasty and have medicinal uses. I usually don't bother with wild mushrooms as I don't have the expertise to feel assured that they are what I believe them to be, but since I've read Lion's Mane has no lookalike neither poisonous or otherwise, I feel more at ease and curious about them, but as stated, I'm no expert and don't really know if any of this is true. I've also heard there are several varieties? These tend to regrow every early spring in the same places, always on living trees in the woods.
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