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Clam looking mushroom


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Total novice here so I do apologize. I have a spot in the yard, under a plum tree, which seems to be quite the spot for unique shrooms (to me anyways). Two years in a row I've had a different cool looking shroom pop up. Last year I think it was a red/orange cappy type. I need to dig through my photos to see if I took a pic. This year a really pretty clam looking sort popped up (2 of them). I did a few searches on the googler, but was unable to spot a similar pic or describe it enough to to narrow my search. I only have the one picture from a few weeks ago, but since I took the picture it has turned all brown and gotten a little darker. It has an offset stem which is probably apparent in the picture (is there a name for this type stem?). Any help with an ID would be appreciated.

Robbie (Hampton Roads, VA)



Reishi! Looks like Ganoderma lucidum. I make a delicious "bitter umami" dashi stock with the fresh ones.The stem looks "varnished" and the underside should be smooth and pale with tee-tiny pores.


Ganoderma lucidum does not actually exist here in the US, so that would make this Ganoderma curtisii.


I agree with ladtflyfish. A fairly recent development --as far as I know-- is that most of what had previously been considered G. lucidum (in North America) is another species, G. curtisii. It is likely that all of the varnished Ganodermas (upper surface with shiny skin) may be used the same way as G. lucidum.


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