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Amanita jacksonii I think


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There were some entirely orange ones with the same morphology that weren't as accessible to photograph, but these were quite pretty!



Nice! There should be a partial veil covering the gills or an annulus ion the stalk (same thing... different developmental stages) if it's an Amanita section Caesareae, which I believe it is. Amanita jacksonii (a species from section Caesareae) has orange floccose material on the stem. The stems seen here appear to be quite smooth. There are NA species from section Caesareae which have not yet been classified/named. This may be an example of one of them. Also, look for distinct striations along the cap margins... possibly a bit difficult to detect in a very young tight cap.


I think this is a species other than jacksonii. If you email the photos to me, I'll post them on Mushroom Observer, where they are are virtually guaranteed to catch the attention of Amanita expert Rod Tulloss.


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