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Help ID my backyard mushrooms.

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I have a couple mushrooms growing that pop every year andit's time to find out what they are. If you can help, it would be great. I live in the mid western part of Illinois. The gills are light brown. Haven't done a print.



These are immature versions of a type of "parasol" mushroom. Young versions of these types tend to be shaped like drumsticks, similar to what is seen in this thread. After the mushroom expands the cap spreads out, the ring of material seen at the base of the cap forms a ring (annulus) on the stalk. This ring is often detachable, and can be slid up/down the stalk. Brown scales form atop the cap.

I think these may be examples of the "green spored parasol", which is toxic... at least to some people (Chlorophyllum molybdites). Associated flu-like symptoms can be quite severe.

But since these mushrooms are not fully developed, I can't say with high confidence that they are green-spored parasols. There are other types of parasol mushrooms. In order to get a good spore print, you will need a mature expanded cap.


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