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Located in North Florida, United States, East Coast. Currently in the middle of fall with temps averaging in the 80s and starting to dip into the 60s. Found this mushroom in a bucket of rabbit manure with some oak leaves sitting on top. Has a nice aroma, maybe fruity. Not sure what to compare the aroma to. Most nearby trees are water oaks with slash pines maybe 100ft on the other side of the field.the mushroom is growing in a cluster

My knowledge of mushrooms is minimalĀ 

Had it posted on a few Facebook groups. so far it's not an oyster orĀ Collybia brunneocephala (from understanding only grows on west coast in California).

C. Nuda was suggested though I never found any lilac coloring

So far I have not taken a spore print

The pictures are of 1 mushroom except for the first showing the cluster it was found in









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