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Please help ID Suillus


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Sorry about no stems, I hope it's doable to ID these by cap only. Are these S. granulatus?

They seem different to me.

The one on the left: cap not round, soft and spongy. cap flesh shows more yellow close to pores, cap surface very slimy, cap has rolled edges, pores are yellow green.

The one on the right: cap round, very firm, flesh shows very little yellow near flesh-pores line, cap surface has almost no slime, has dark rim on the cap, edge straight, not rolled in, pores are less green, more orangish yellow.

These were not found near each other.





These look like S. granulatus to me. Cap color for S. granulatus is variable. However, yellow-green is not typical for the pores of S. granulatus. Each mushroom seen appears to lack partial veil.


I think yours may be a different species, 4rum. Cap cuticle looks to be darker and with a thicker slime layer than eat-bolete's. Also, the stalks on yours appear to feature few, if any, dots.


I think 4rum's are S. brevipes. Eat-bolete's may be S. granulatus, but there are a few other possibilities. For instance...


Here's one I collected earlier this year, which I have not IDed beyond genus.



Oh yeah, S. subaureus seems like a good possibility for the one on the right.

Dave, can the gray Suillus be S. aeruginascens?


Difficult to get a good read on the colors. Photos look like they were taken indoors. S. subaureus does look like a possibility for the one on the right, especially if the pores are on the orangish side... which I can't really tell from the photo.

S. aeruginascens has flesh that stains bluish and the cap surface is reported as often being wrinkled. It has a partial veil/annulus. Reported as rare. I have not ever seen it, except in photos. Looks like it typically features a prominent sterile flap that hangs along the edge of the cap. Color looks to be very gray. Phillips says it occurs with larch. I doubt either of the mushrooms seen above represent S. aeruginascens. I still think the one on the left is S. granulatus.



I meant S. aeruginascens as a possibility for the gray species that you found, but I see it's been identified as S. bovinus. I see now that presense veil doesn't apply to the mushrooms you found anyway.


Okay, I was wondering what you meant.

That collection to which you refer (Mushroom Observer link found above) really had me scratching my head. I was certain that I had not ever before seen this species. S. bovinus looks like a good possibility. This species appears to be quite rare in NA. I'm pretty sure I preserved/saved some of the material. I'll be sorting through my collections from this year... as soon as I get a few hours to spare. Cold weather will keep me (and mushrooms) out of the woods fro awhile.


That's good thinking Dave. I never know what to occupy myself with during winter months, except reading. Here on Long Island there's no snow to ski, no ice to fish (although I will probably venture out to my uncle in Allentown), obviously no mushrooms. Will be studying fungi books I guess.


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