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Some Interesting Mushrooms


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I found these mushrooms in a shaded area by lots of trees and lots of the mushrooms were growing on logs. If any of you have been to Vancouver BC you would know what I am talking about if I said I found them in Spirit Park. There were some corals, some cauliflours and lots more! Does anyone know what these ones might be? The links are below. Sorry they are not embedded. If you need more info let me know!







First few photos show a species of Coprinellus. Second group looks like a species of Hypholoma.

Need to see additional traits... gills, stalk bases, presence/absence of a partial veil or annulus.


Hi ladyflyfsh,

Whenever I upload photos the whole thing freezes and when I refresh the page the photos are gone so I can't upload right onto the board. I have to use dropbox if I want to post photos.



I see that some of your photo files are large, try resizing to no more than 500kB or so. Also try using a different browser, sometimes they glitch.


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