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Are these edible Mushrooms?

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These are growing along the edges of my garden beds which the wood is starting to decompose. They at first looked like Deer Mushrooms but I wasn't sure so I left them alone. Now they look like Oyster Mushrooms? What are they and are they edible? 



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13 hours ago, michele said:

it looks like some kind of Clitocybe, most of them are toxic

Thank you for your response. I looked up Clitocybes and they are small and are said to grow in Fall/Winter. These mushrooms are as big as my hand and it's Spring. Do some Clitocybes get really large and grow in spring?

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Jeepergurl, judging from your attempts to ID these mushrooms, I'm guessing that you are quite unaware of there being literally thousands of different species of fungi that produce mushrooms. Of these thousands, some are edible, some will make you sick if eaten, and some will cause you to die a slow and painful death by destroying your liver or other vital organs. The majority of wild mushroom species are simply inedible on account of tasting bad or having undesirable texture. 

Pluteus cervinus is a complex of species commonly referred to as "Deer Mushrooms." The mushrooms seen here are most definitely not any species of genus Pluteus. This may be determined by noting that the gills are attached to the stalk. Pluteus mushrooms have gills that do not reach the stalk (called "free gills). Some poisonous mushrooms have free gills. 

Pleurotus species (Oyster Mushrooms) typically either completely lack stalks, or --if present-- a stalk will be kinda short and stubby. In the top photo I see one stalk that is long and slender. Pleurotus mushrooms (in the wild) grow from wood. It is almost certain the mushrooms seen here are not a species of Pleurotus. 

My guess at the ID here (not high confidence) is Collybiopsis luxurians. An old name for these is Gymnopus luxurians, and this is the name seen via the following link   http://www.mushroomexpert.com/gymnopus_luxurians.html . For a more confident ID, more information would be required. C. luxurians is inedible due to having a bitter/unpleasant taste. 

If you want to learn to recognize a few of the common edible mushrooms found in your area, then you may want to first acquire several mushroom field guides geared toward eastern or southeastern North America. Then, make collections of mushrooms specifically for the purpose of researching IDs. This will seem frustrating, but eventually you will learn useful things. A website like this one will help you answer questions. But, the best thing is to join an established mushrooms club. Here's a link to one in S. Carolina   https://scumsonline.com/ . 

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I’ll second Dave’s suggestion on joining a mushroom club.  I’ve learned much of what I know about mushrooms that way.   My personal mantra on eating a new mushroom for the first time is that I will not do it unless someone I know is good at identifying mushrooms confirms my identification.  

And when there is the slightest bit of doubt, I won’t eat it

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