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Everything posted by SkitzoTP

  1. Ya I think so too. you Always seem to impress me Dave W. 🙂
  2. have you taken a spore print? Possibly clitocybe nebularis but that's kind of a wild guess. Don't take my word for it.
  3. Yes it does thanks so much! These are a couple more photos i gathered. They were taken on a computer in the sun so its pretty crappy. on the old mound of mushrooms, A bunch of white fluffy stuff was growing. I torn on whether or not it was mycelium or mold, but I am leaning towards the ladder. The mushrooms are dried and old by now so there is not mush information in these photos. But if it can give me a little more info on the identification of these shroomies, than it is well worth it. P.S Thanks for all your help Dave W!
  4. I’m fairly new to foraging and I really appreciate your help. I’ll get some better photos up soon. in the mean while, do you have any clue on what this could be? Sort of has an oily top and the stem is very brittle. Once again I took these photos in a little bit of a rush so sorry if it’s impossible to help. I have no other information on this mushroom since it was the only one growing.
  5. I I am 99% sure these are fairy Ring mushrooms. I live in a wet humid tropical climate, with a lot of sun. I found these growing in the shade on some mulchy soil. They produce a white spore print, and grew in a bunch together. The bottom is white with connecting gills that stain a brownish tan when injured. Thanks to anyone who could help!
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