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    Upper Black Eddy, PA

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Pleurotus Junior Member

Pleurotus Junior Member (2/5)

  1. I've only found the one log by the road. Here is a picture of the cross-section:
  2. I cannot identify the species of wood positively. Beech would be my best guess. I would be very surprised if it was intentional, as the log was by the roadside and they are popping up at random locations. It doesn't seem like something that was done systematically. They certainly smell good.
  3. I found this strange little mushroom along the wood line of my property. It has a sticky cap, and it seems to have a long root:
  4. The Gymnopus has a brown spore print. Today, my luck improved. I took a walk on state forest within walking distance from my house, seemingly identical habitat. I found more Lactarius Indigo than I could ever possibly hope to collect. It is not choice, but I have something for the frying pan. A little coconut oil and salt would even make dog ###### taste delicious. Here is some other stuff:
  5. I wonder if I'm going something wrong, not finding much edible stuff. Here are some little mushrooms from around the yard. The grey stemmed one were under a pine. Thanks
  6. I need to work on my photography. Some are blurry, but here they are: Thanks
  7. The small one was growing on the forest floor. It is about 1.25 inches in diameter. I tried to collect the entire mushroom, unfortunately it snapped off. Thanks
  8. ...and some light, and other stuff. Thanks, Scot
  9. Milk exuding mushrooms popping up everywhere, some dark and sticky, others light.
  10. Is there a Good Android app for identifying mushrooms? A book specific to Pennsylvania?
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